Workers' Compensation & No-Fault Medical Claim and Bill Audit Solutions
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QRC-Exchange Portal Instruction Sheet

If you have not registered to use the QRC-Exchange Portal..
Click on the CONTACT button above to request a username to access the QRC-Exchange.

Once you are registered, follow the instructions below to submit a bill, variance, C-4 authorization or other request:
1. Go to the website e-mailed to you when your account was set up.
2. Log in.
3. You will be taken to your company INBOX. Click on UPLOAD in the upper right hand corner. The screen below will be displayed.
4. Click "Browse" to select the file you wish to send (file name should be formatted to your specifications when we set up your account, i.e., last name, first name, cc#).
5. Choose from the drop down menu to select the File Type, i.e., bill, variance, appeal etc.
6. Click "Upload File"
Your file has now been securely submitted and should be ready for pick up usually within 48 hours.

To pick up completed work
1. Log in
2. Click on "OUTBOX (pick up)".
3. Locate the bill in the queue and click on "view" in the "Completed" column to view the reviewed bill and EOB. (If "view" is not displayed, EOB is not yet completed).
This is your company OUTBOX, here are some of the things you can do:
search for bills by entering claimant last name, cc# or date bill was dropped off
click on "Remove" to remove the bill from the queue once you pick it up.
Don't see your bill?? If a bill is not displayed on the queue after a search, please contact us at the number below and a QRConcepts representative will provide assistance.
All other documents including variances, authorizations and appeals:
1. Log in
2. Click on "INBOX"
3. Locate your document in the Queue or you can search for it using the search function on the top of the page.
4. Check to see if "Ready" is displayed
5. Click on "View" to download the completed work.
This is your company INBOX, all claims that you download will be displayed here. You can click on "Remove" to remove the bill from being displayed on the queue once you pick it up. You can view all removed claims by clicking on the box "Display Previously Removed Claims" and then clicking on the "Search" button.
You can also permanently delete claims by clicking on "Delete" these will be permanently removed.